GPS Geodetic Trimble R8s LT

GPS Geodetic  Trimble R8s GNSS memberi Anda hanya fitur dan manfaat yang Anda butuhkan, dalam satu sistem yang fleksibel dan skalabel sehingga Anda dapat membangun sistem yang disesuaikan dengan pekerjaan Anda. Ketika kebutuhan Anda berubah, GPS Trimble R8s dapat beradaptasi. Cukup tambahkan fungsi kapan pun Anda membutuhkannya.



Satu penerima yang dapat dikonfigurasi yang dapat diukur untuk kebutuhan masa depan Tersedia dalam pasca-pemrosesan, hanya dasar, hanya rover, atau konfigurasi dasar & bajak Pelacakan satelit lanjutan dengan teknologi penerima Trimble 360 Termasuk chip Trimble Maxwell ™ 6 dengan 440 saluran Integrasi sederhana dengan Stasiun-stasiun Total Seri-TrimbleIntuitif Trimble Access ™ Field Software dan Trimble Business Center Office SoftwareAplikasi An droid Trimble DL untuk mengumpulkan data mentah GNSS statis untuk pasca-pemrosesan.

A flexible, scalable system

  • Choose the configuration level that suits your needs best, whether it’s post-processing, base, rover, or a combination of base and rover functionality.
  • After you’ve selected a configuration level, additional individual options can be added to further extend the receiver functionality.

Leading technology

  • Each Trimble R8s comes integrated with powerful Trimble 360 tracking technology that enables you to expand the reach of your GNSS rover to sites that were previously inaccessible.
  • Two integrated Maxwell 6 chips and 440 GNSS channels.
  • Eliminate the need to travel for routine monitoring of base station receivers with Trimble’s exclusive Web UI.
  • Trimble DL Android app provides a straightforward mobile interface for collecting static GNSS raw data for post-processing without the need to use a Trimble controller or Trimble Access software.

The complete solution

  • Easily integrates with Trimble S-Series Total Stations.
  • Create a complete solution by combining the Trimble R8s receiver with a Trimble controller running Trimble Access™ field software, and Trimble Business Center office software for checking, processing and adjusting your data.